Interreg project EASWork logo

The overall objective of this project is to work together with organizations in Finland and Estonia that often hire the largest amount of migrant workers to understand what their current anti-discrimination policies are and how these can and need to be improved to support migrant workers in the current and future context of diversifying work forces.

Project duration:

October 2023 - March 2025 (18 months)


EUR 213 491 (out of which EU supports 80% of costs, EUR 170 792,80)


Interreg Central Baltic Programme

  • Work with 10 companies and organizations in both Estonia and Finland (20 in total) to implement anti-discrimination policies that support the employment of migrants and refugees,
  • Dissemination of the summary of changes in anti-discrimination policies in Estonia and Finland with businesses, NGOs, national authorities, and the general public. Provide clear findings and tips to be reproduced by other organizations and in other countries and regions

The main role of UT CASS is to design and implement the methodology to conduct a desktop research and initial comparison of policies to identify the needs for change in anti-discrimination policies at the cross-border level.

In addition to developing the methodology for the analysis of employment trends, CASS will also work directly with the NGOs and organisations hiring refugees and migrants to understand the current application of anti-discrimination policies and implement new policies and practices in Estonia.

Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Deacones Foundation, Finland

CASS members with the project

Martin Daniel Hayford
Project Manager - Analyst

Olena Denysenko


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