The goal is to provide a conceptual review of skills shortages and gaps, and devise a means of measuring their incidence and the extent to which they are likely to arise in the future as a consequence of key changes in the economy, notably digitalization. This project contributes to the European Skills Agenda by strengthening skills intelligence and by providing a set of tools for the development of policy initiatives in the areas of education and skills, that can help drive growth in European innovation and competitiveness.
Project duration:
June 2024 - June 2027 (37 months)
EUR 2,99 million
SkillsPULSE Project number 101132727. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor REA can be held responsible for them.
Sabina Trankmann
Thematic leader for labour market and social policy
Martin Daniel Hayford
Project Manager - Analyst
Olena Denysenko