CEESEU-DIGIT project logo

Our primary objective is to build capacity in 6 carbon intensive regions in 6 countries in the CEE for holistic and just regional Energy and Climate Action Plans (ECAPs) aligned with NCEP national targets supporting the Green Deal, and will involve marginalized and vulnerable groups, especially energy-poor households. A second objective is to assist municipalities to formulate, fund, and implement their ECAPs aligned with regional ones. At both levels, extensive capacity building will be extended to assist with building ECAPs.

Project duration:

Dec 2022- Nov 2024 (24 month)


EUR 1.84 million


LIFE funder logo

Clean Energy Transition

  • Development of a new type of uniform, holistic, cross-sector energy and climate plans methodology
  • Training materials for betetr planning and implementation of just energy and climate action plans
  • Funding guidelines and roadmaps for implementing the just ECAPs
  • Policy recommendations for bringing NECPs and local just ECAPs closer

University of Tartu is the Lead partner in this project. Additionally:

  • Implementing the project activities in Ida-Virumaa
  • Leading WP4 Political Dimensions of Just Energy Transition

Lokalna Energetska Agentura Spodnje Podravje Zavod za Promocijo in Pospesevanje Trajnostnega Energetskega Razvoja Ptuj, LEASP
Mazowiecka Agencja Energetyczna SPZOO, MAE
WWF Vilag Termeszeti Alap Magyarorszag Alapitvany, WWFHU
Vidzemes Planosanas Regions, VPR
Drustvo za Oblikovanje Odrzivog Razvoja, DOOR
Climate Alliance, CA
Medimurska Energetska Agencija Doo, MENEA
Mittetulundusühing Tartu Regiooni Energiaagentuur, TREA

Associated partners:
Gulbenes novada pasvaldiba, Gulbenes N P
Ida-Virumaa Omavalitsuste Liit, IVOL

CASS members with the project:

Elis Vollmer

Project Manager

Riin Teugijas

Financial Manager

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