Don't Dig Up, Never

In particular, “Don’t Gig Up, Never!” intends to deepen the activities successfully implemented during the first phase of the project, updating the State of the Art on social and regulatory developments of platform work in European countries, strengthening the partnership, expanding the geographical coverage as well as focusing on labour platforms providing services other than transport and delivery.

Project website

Project Duration: 2021 – 2023 (N/A)

Total budget: N/A

Funder: European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The project, building on its predecessor, the “Don’t Gig Up!” Project, aims to further increase the knowledge and awareness on:

  • How digital labour platforms act as employers or employment intermediaries;
  • How industrial relations and policy makers can adequately address the issue of better protecting platform workers, especially in those sectors of the platform economy that have remained on the margins of the public debate so far.



CASS members with the project

Sabina Trankmann

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Martin Hayford

Title in project

Gerly Tamm

Title in project

Heidi Erbsen

Title in project

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