Past GT projects

See some of the projects we've worked on before.

Project website

Project duration: Nov 2020 – Dec 2023

Total budget: EUR 1.5 million

Funding: Horizon2020

Key objectives:

Project goal is to build the capacity of public administrators in Central and Eastern Europe to develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) that promote increased energy efficiency, sustainable energy, reduced carbon emissions and improved climate change adaptability.


  • Training municipalities on SECAP process
  • Developing municipal SECAPs
  • Financing & implementing SECAPs
  • Evaluating the CEESEU model
  • SECAP promotion in CEE and EU

Project website

Project duration: Nov 2020 – Aug 2023

Total budget: 196 310 EUR

Funding: Erasmus+

Key objectives:

The primary goal of the TRAIN-ECO project is to develop training materials on eco-innovation for electronics professionals and entrepreneurs from SMEs and start-ups. SMEs and start-ups play an important role in the EU economy and need to transition to sustainable business models in order to support EU’s efforts to build a green economy.


  • Develop training materials on eco-innovation
  • Develop training materials on EU environmental & safety standards
  • Design a MOOC that will comprehensively cover these topics

Project website

Project duration: 2016 – 2018

Total budget: EUR 1.79 million

Funding: Horizon2020

Key objectives:

The aim of PANEL 2050 project was to create durable and replicable sustainable energy networks at local level, where relevant stakeholders collaborate for the creation of a energy visions, strategies and action plans for the transition towards low carbon communities in 2050. The focus was on CEE countries, where this type of networks at local level was almost completely absent.


- Guidebook on Energy Efficiency Advocacy

- Regional visions for sustainable energy future

- Roadmaps for Energy Future 2050

- Regional Action Plans

- Energy Efficiency Forerunner Model Replication Guidelines

Project website

Project duration: Oct 2017 – Sept 2020

Total budget: EUR 1.77 million

Funding: Interreg

Key objectives:

It aimed to initiate an innovation support network in the BSR to provide testing and consultation for electronics small and medium-sized enterprises on how to demonstrate conformity with international standards during early product development.


  • Establishment of the Test-4-SME Network in Baltic Sea region
  • Reports on assessing the small and medium-size enterprizeneeds in BSR
  • Training for the lab staff of Test-4-SME network
  • Plan of Test-4-SME Network Sustainability
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