Green Transition

Our society is faced with challenging situations – climate change and deteriorating biodiversity is made worse by challenging geopolitical tensions and uncertainty in implementing just transition. We focus on green transition projects from 2017 to support our society in this changing environment and improve implementation of research-based solutions in practice. In our activities we aim to increase the resilience and security of our communities and our nations and improve equality on all levels.

As part of our projects we mainly focus on improving strategic energy and climate planning on local level, increasing capacity of key actors, improving multilevel governance, and mobilising people on addressing energy efficiency, energy poverty and energy communities. In addition, our projects focus on facilitating the stakeholder action for biodiversity (connectivity, maintenance, restoration, goods and services, and social interactions).

As of the end of 2023, we are or have been a part of 12 green transition projects. Use the drop-down menu above to learn more!

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