IPV Projects' Outputs

Many of our interpersonal violence projects have had very practical outputs, which will hopefully prove to be useful for a while to come. We show some of them here.

Handbooks and Manuals

FASA training manual brochures
FASA Training Manual

The manual talks about supporting victims of intimate partner violence with substance abuse issues

The training material have a primary target audience, namely victim support professionals in the field of IPV. It focuses on improving the work-based skills and knowledge of these professionals on the topic of treating addicted victims of IPV. The manual is replicable for all EU countries and is based in the multi-agency approach and the cooperation between professionals in IPV and Substance Abuse in the topic of treatment of victims with addiction issues.

It can be downloaded here.

Image of TISOVA handbooks stacked
TISOVA Handbook

TISOVA Training handbook on providing support for elderly female victims of abuse

The curriculum is designed for teachers and trainers to deliver education and training on the prevention of and response to violence and abuse against older persons. The target groups for training are health and social care professionals (particularly those working in service centers), volunteers and older people.

It can be downloaded here.

Video lectures


Short video lectures (between 3 and 15 minutes) of the online course "Five Signs of Elder Abuse"

See lectures here.


Video lectures (under 20 mins each) of the online course "How to recognise and support older victims of abuse"

See lectures here.


Online course (lectures, interviews, panel discussions) on problematic substance use and intimate partner violence.

See course here.


Video lectures (between 20 and 30 minutes each) of the online course "Cyber Violence in Kid's Lives"

See lectures here.


Video lectures (around 20 minutes each) of the online course "Informal caregiving A to Z"

See lectures here.

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