Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe

Project website


Project Duration: May 2021 – April 2024 (36 months)

Total budget: EUR 1.99 million

Funder: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

A4L_ACTIONS aims to use the established framework of Alliance4Life to improve the cultures and networks of health research-performing institutions in a major part of the EU-13: the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Project activities support the implementation of good practice successfully piloted by Alliance4Life members in institutional, national, and international strategies and policies across the broad landscape of health R&I in CEE. Moreover, these initiatives are aligned with the overall EU governance efforts to create a real single market for research, education and innovation, bridging the performance gap between eastern and western Europe. Partners also strive to untap the potential for innovation in CEE by revealing and promoting opportunities for intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration



CASS members with the project

Martin Hayford


Heidi Erbsen


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